Dharma: The eternal law of the cosmos; inherent in the very nature of things.”


Dharma’ explores the psyche of a farmer, who strives to uphold the traditions handed down to him over generations; and the relationship with his bull - which is solely raised for the ancient bull-taming sport of Jallikattu. 

In the heartland of Tamil Nadu, away from the bustle of the changing world, in a small village called Kondugampatti, forty miles south of the Alaganallur Taluk of the Madurai District, life remains unchanged.


Kannan and his family, like many others in villages across Tamil Nadu, strive to uphold the traditions that have been handed down for generations, in the face of political and societal change.

Dharma is raised and nurtured as a part of the family, as many bulls are, that are bred with the singular purpose of competing in Jallikattu. This sport that has been practiced for over a millennia, tests the bravery of men in the face of imminent danger.

The sport has been criticised for its inherent cruelty towards animals and the debates that ensued since have become deeply politicised and hence have polarised people across the country.


To Kannan and his family, Jallikattu is a sport and a tradition that defines who they are.

Dharma is their pride and joy.

This film explores the psyche of Kannan and his relationship with Dharma, untouched by the perspectives of what they feel is an ever-changing outside world riddled with conflicting moralities.